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  • #2180490

    Ragged ends on Word download


    by allan_last ·

    When I download an article or book from the internet, and reduce the font size, the lines are all “ragged” ended.

    How do I get the lines to “continue”, (that is, to make it look like a professional article / proper book)and also not affect the spacing at the end of the paragraph so as to allow the paragraphs to stand as is?


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    • #3083731

      Reply To: Ragged ends on Word download

      by gary56789 ·

      In reply to Ragged ends on Word download

      I am not sure that I understand what you mean. If you mean that the lines do not come close to “lining up” on the right edge, select the entire article and click the “Justify” button.

      Post a comment if this is not what you mean.

      • #3081210

        Reply To: Ragged ends on Word download

        by allan_last ·

        In reply to Reply To: Ragged ends on Word download

        This does not work.
        It appaears cthat there is a “carriage return” sign at the end of each line, which over-rides the “justify”.
        In the past I used a method (and I have lost the paper with it on), I used to say the the “carriage return’ equals “xx” and then the “xx” equals a space.
        This does not seem to work on XP.

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