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    RAM speed in Asus B550-E

    by conradfwebster ·


    Asus Rog Strix B550-E motherboard specs include – DDR4 /3466(O.C.)/3200/3000/ MHz Un-buffered Memory. So no OC for 3200RAM?
    HyperX FURY DDR4 specs include – detects your system’s components and automatically overclocks itself to the high published frequency (up to 3466 MHz) for a Plug N Play performance boost
    If I use this RAM will it run at 3200GHz as indicated above or will I need to activate DOCP?

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      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to RAM speed in Asus B550-E

      The answer remains maybe since some will get the speed up to there or suffer instability and have to pull back.

      Let me state the BIGGEST ISSUE I encounter here is with owners that won’t update the BIOS to support this speed. And beyond that, there can be other factors that limit the speed which I can’t list them all here.

      The bottom line is you must try. (Again, get the BIOS current.)

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