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  • #2285245

    RDP 5.1


    by k.grass ·

    We are currently using Windows 2000 Advanced Server with a TS License Server. Our domains use Citrix 7.0 for remote desktop sessions. However, I am trying to convince the-powers-that-be to get rid of the Citrix thin client (which IMHO, on top of paying for the TS licenses we are paying too much for altogether) and upgrade our servers to Windows 2003 with the RDP 5.1 protocol to push down through our network to our users.

    My question is as a selling point; would the RDP 5.1 client work with an IPX/SPX or NetBEUI connection and is it backwards compatable so it will communicate with our 9x legacy systems?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA

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    • #3313179

      Reply To: RDP 5.1

      by willcomp ·

      In reply to RDP 5.1

      Hopefully some of our network experts will correct me if I’m wrong, but here’s my take.

      You could install 2000 server in TS mode rather than upgrading to 2003 server. In either case, you’ll need a dedicated terminal services server.

      The remote client works with Win 9X.

      Since terminal services looks for connections on TCP/IP port 8080, I would think that IPX?SPX and NetBEUI would not be compatible.

      Windows 2000 Pro and XP Pro have built-in TS client certificates. If it’s upgrade time, may want to consider license costs for older machines in decision.

      Have fun. Terminal services setup and configuration will be a challenge, but should be worth it in long run.


    • #3311461

      Reply To: RDP 5.1

      by k.grass ·

      In reply to RDP 5.1

      This question was closed by the author

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