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  • #2140555

    RDP access when working from home

    by vsharma79 ·


    Do you think using RDP to access a work computer from home is safe? Even if you have the most up to date Anti-Virus and a fairly secure home network?

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    • #2414313
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      Can be safe. Depends on the user mostly.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to RDP access when working from home

      It seems odd that one would worry about the anti-virus when RDP is used to get to the work computer.

      Is there something shady going on there?

      • #2414312

        Nothing shady

        by vsharma79 ·

        In reply to Can be safe. Depends on the user mostly.

        Just asking a general question in the forum as it has been the case with quite a lot of work from home users during the pandemic. An Anti-virus would mitigate the risk of a malware or spyware being installed on the users PC, which could give the hacker a backdoor entry into the users work PC via RDP.

      • #2414263

        RDP Access

        by vcostagliola ·

        In reply to Can be safe. Depends on the user mostly.

        RDP or any remote access platform requires both end-point and host security constraints. As I mentioned prior, configuration, RDP Gateway implementation and multi-factor should be taken into consideration.

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