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  • #4156548

    RE: 10 best antivirus software for businesses in 2023

    by n4aof ·


    10 best antivirus software for businesses in 2023

    It seems either reviewers get completely different service than customers or the author compiled his information from company press releases.

    I’ve used more than one of the products in this article and the notion that they provide “Live 24/7 Support” is a tremendous stretch.

    At McAfee, if you have any question that cannot be answered by quoting part of the FAQ, you can expect to be referred to the User Forum where you can ask if anyone else has found a solution to your problem.

    I’m currently using McAfee’s “Small Business Protection” which apparently is just a rebadged version of their consumer product. One “con” that isn’t mentioned is the frequent popups. McAfee considers them information or notifications, but most are basically just ads for McAfee.

    Even the ones that really could be considered a notification are more annoying than useful. For example, there is a popup that tells you “McAfee just blocked a dangerous connection” with the smaller text saying that some software on your computer tried to connect to a suspicious site. There is even a button for “Details” — but clicking that button gets you a McAfee ad bragging about how many dangerous connections McAfee claims to have blocked (not just on your computer but EVERYWHERE). The most annoying part is that there is no way to get McAfee to tell you anything about what “dangerous connection” it just “blocked” — it won’t tell you what software tried to make the connection or what “dangerous” site it was trying to connect to.

    I was two years in on a three-year subscription when McAfee started bugging me with popups suggesting I set up various features. Apparently the marketing people who set up the popups think everyone has only a 12-month subscription so the popups about setting up features are based on how long is left on your subscription instead of on how long the software has been installed.

    When I was using Kaspersky (admittedly a few years ago) the 24/7 support was by email — which apparently was being translated back and forth from English to Russian then the reply translated from Russian back to English (not always translated very well).

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