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  • #4251568

    Re-Routing to sydney IP


    by siddik21 ·



    We have 200+ users in our office. we are located in India. Our clients are located in sydney. We have Fortigate firewall in our office . We need to login with sydney IP in our office in India. Currently we have a fortigate firewall in AWS sydney region. From our local office fortigate firewall to AWS firewall we have created IPSEC VPN and created policy route in local firewall to set local users get AWS sydney IP.
    But due to this the data transfer charges in AWS is getting higher day by day. Is there any alternate option available to reduce the cost or open source solution for this setup?

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      Reply To: Re-Routing to sydney IP

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Re-Routing to sydney IP

      I would reach out to your office’s IT specialist to ask that question. You haven’t provided enough information about your current system to offer an opinion either way. Remember to leave out all internet/product links in your reply as they will be deleted by a moderator as SPAM.

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