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  • #2140330

    Read only access to admin share

    by bbrsa ·


    I’m trying to access log files on a network computer with read-only permissions.
    My computer runs Windows 10 and the remote computer runs Windows 7. I don’t want to make any configuration changes because its a single-purpose, pretty expensive computer and our IT department is pretty strict. My thought is I can use a pre-existing Admin share to access the drive containing the files. However, my IT department is a little skeptical of me having read-write access to this drive. Is there a way to allow read-only permission to a mapped admin share?

    My problem is that with the admin share, I’m authenticated as the admin on the remote computer and it doesn’t give me the option to set up permissions for users on my local machine. The “from this location” option when I try to edit the security permissions only allows me to select the remote computer’s local domain, not my computer’s local domain

    Just spitballing, is there a way to create another mapped drive to the mapped drive w the admin share where the folder would be controlled under my local domain? And then I could have the admin share set up with my admin but interact with the folder as another user?

    The other option could use is to use a tool like rsync or robocopy that copies all the files to another folder where I’d process them but I’d prefer the mapped solution so that there is never anything interacting with them before I’ve got read only permissions

    Thanks for the help

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    • #2413662
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      As presented.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Read only access to admin share

      It appears you are asking how to get around the IT policies which few of us will help with.

      Back to IT to fix this issue.

      I’ll share I sometimes use a FTP server when I need to get this sort of work done but hey, I am IT at my work so I can make it happen. I’m finding Microsoft’s file sharing to be too broken at times.

      Not only that, W7 has been EOL’d (end of life) so it’s sharing with W10 is never a sure thing.

    • #2413658
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      PS. Steps to change share permissions?

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Read only access to admin share

      From the web:

      How to Change Share Permissions
      Right-click the shared folder.
      Click “Properties”.
      Open the “Sharing” tab.
      Click “Advanced Sharing”.
      Click “Permissions”.
      Select a user or group from the list.
      Select either “Allow” or “Deny” for each of the settings.

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