Red Pixels Flashing (help)
Hello, I have had a problem recently of red pixels flashing on my monitor randomly but consistently. They are not very noticable on brighter pages/applications, but are incredibly annoying when there is black or any dark colors covering a portion of my screen. It happened a while ago, and fixed when I swapped out my HDMI cable, but recently after cleaning out my PC, which involved uninstalling and reinstalling my graphics card, they were back. I updated my drivers, gone, then yesterday I plugged in a DVI to HDMI adapter for VR into my PC’s DVI port and the pixels are back even after unplugging that. It is not a problem of my monitor, because if there is no input, the monitor’s black built-in screens and menus do not have these flashing pixels. In addition, the first HDMI cable this happened to was used with a Playstation 4 and a TV, and still had the pixels. So from what I can tell, it is a problem of HDMI cables, but somehow they only break/get these pixels when plugged into my PC. Is it possible that my GPU is burning or somehow destroying cables? I have a 4GB Radeon RX 580 and a 1920×1080 165hz 1ms MSI monitor. I have swapped out at least 4 different cables when this is happening, and they all get the pixels (although not all permanently like the one used for that PS4). I really am stumped on what is even causing this problem, nevermind how to fix it. Any input is appreciated.