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  • #2082752

    Refreshing a page


    by mvipat ·


    We are developing a screen with the help of JavaScript and HTML. The screen has 3 frames. One on left which has strip structure and contains a main menu. At Bottom we have frame which corresponds to menu of the screen which is in central portion. On central frame we have a list box of customers. On selecting a customer I have to display the further information about that customer such as his age, card no etc in a table. When the screen is loaded at that time I have full information aboutcustomer in and array so what I want is as soon as I select a customer I have all the information I would not like to go to server and unnecessarily increase the traffic. So I want that the table should grow dynamic ally depending on the number of customers selected. I do not want to split the screen further into more frames.

    Can anybody please suggest some solution to this ?

    Thanks in advance


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    • #3900473

      Refreshing a page

      by gnhtreasurer ·

      In reply to Refreshing a page

      You can use the change event in javascript to determine each time the select box receives a change. You can then create a function in javascript which will write the table based on the array you have stored through the document.write method you can generat a table and with a style sheet position it on the page. Then each time the event occurs you will need to accomadate another row from the array.

      • #3740020

        Refreshing a page

        by mvipat ·

        In reply to Refreshing a page

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    • #3898514

      Refreshing a page

      by basvg ·

      In reply to Refreshing a page


      Besides letting the table grow dynamically, you could also use Dynamic-HTML to display the customer information in a layer. So when clicking on a customer record, show a layer and write the information in it, by using JavaScript. If needed I could provide some example code.


      • #3740021

        Refreshing a page

        by mvipat ·

        In reply to Refreshing a page

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    • #3899063

      Refreshing a page

      by adwait gupte ·

      In reply to Refreshing a page

      Just add the maximum no. of rows and coulmns you will need they will not take any space. They will now expand with the amont of data.

      • #3740022

        Refreshing a page

        by mvipat ·

        In reply to Refreshing a page

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    • #3781228

      Refreshing a page

      by billf ·

      In reply to Refreshing a page

      Try this:

      Dynamic Table

      Dynamic Table Function

      Gnip Blue Hostile
      Gnop Red Friendly
      Blensnerm Red Friendly

      The table is sent pre-populated, but rows are hidden until ‘turned on’ with styles. Hope this helps!

      Good Luck! -Bill

      • #3740023

        Refreshing a page

        by mvipat ·

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    • #3740019

      Refreshing a page

      by mvipat ·

      In reply to Refreshing a page

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