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  • #2075472

    Relationship between Application Develop


    by 8300xx ·

    I am responsible for putting together an industry accepted document to capture all information that must be shared between an Application Developer and the Network Administrator during all phases of life-cycle. Our platforms are Windows NT & Unix based. We use client & web based applications. What type of system documentation should the Application Developer provide to the Network Administrator to ensure proper rollout of a system on a network?

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    • #3784054

      Relationship between Application Develop

      by steve cody ·

      In reply to Relationship between Application Develop

      There is not enough room in this forum to answer your question. You really need to seek the counsel of a network engineer or consultant who can spend time with you and see what the needs of the application are.
      You are either going to tailer the application to certain types of networks (i.e. high speed, or low speed). Or the network can be tailored to the application. There is no simple answer here. Sorry.

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