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  • #4075716

    remote access

    by thetechman2014 ·


    Do you need internet access to remote into a pc. I worked a contract to where I just backed up the users profiles and replaced the desktops with new desktops that I imaged earlier. Sometimes I would go out to a site and there would be a problem with the computer that I Installed. The technician would remote into the pc. I usually had to give him the IP address first if I remember correctly. The way I understood it was the sites that I went to were all part o a large network. They had lots of sites in different buildings and a data center. Im thinking that because this was a large network. It was a Man or Wan. I’m thinking because of that, the ability to be able to remote in a pc would probably not require the internet. I myself also have a router/modem with wifi at my house that I use for my laptop and I also few desktops. I’m guessing that if I didnt have internet I could still remote into each other because of the sharing on the router/modem would put then on the same network. These two scenarios although different to me still consist of the same network and therefore I believe may not require internet because of that.
    But something like me remoting into my neighbors pc from home would require internet because it’s an entire different network unlike my home or the job I worked. Am I correct on this? Forgiving for the long lengthy question but I needed to really try to explain what I was asking.

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    • #4076182
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      Re: remote access

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to remote access

      Assuming your question is the only sentence in your post that ends with a question mark, the answer is “yes, you need a connection, but no, it doesn’t need to be a connection via internet, connecting via WiFi to your neighbors home network is sufficient”.

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