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    Remote Server Restart

    by philipscodes ·

    I work remotely, in another country, away from where our physical company server exists. Occasionally, I need to restart the server, when the users are not able to access the server via rdp. What is the best and secure way to do so and are there any security settings I need to first open in the Windows server? In doing so, are there any security threats I should be aware of?

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  • Author
    • #3975109
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      Long ago we would remotely power cycle hung servers.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Remote Server Restart

    • #3975389

      Server Reboot

      by Okolosov ·

      In reply to Remote Server Restart

      Try to use Powershell or the command line.

    • #3977301

      Reply To: Remote Server Restart

      by karelmorgan ·

      In reply to Remote Server Restart

      In distant energy this includes coordinating an assortment of fuel sources like flammable gas, wind, sunlight based, batteries, LNG, CNG, and diesel with responding, open cycle and shut cycle gas turbine age innovations and waste intensity recuperation.

    • #3992867

      Reply To: Remote Server Restart

      by RachelGomez161999 ·

      In reply to Remote Server Restart

      Some of my friends must want to know the steps to restart or shutdown the server remotely. It is very simple and in this Post I am going to explain the same.

      1. Open command prompt, and type “shutdown /m \\RemoteServerName /r /c “Comments”“. I used multiple switches in this command e.g. /m is for remote Server. RemoteServerName needs to be replaced by the name of Server which you are planning to restart remotely, /r is for restart it can be replaced by /s if you want to shutdown the server. To add the comments add switch /c.

      2. Another command to restart or shutdown the Server remotely is Shutdown /i. Type Shutdown /i on the command prompt and it will open another dialogue box.

      3. Click on Add to mention list of Server that you are planning to restart or shutdown remotely.

      4. On the Remote Shutdown Dialogue page, select Restart or Shutdown options.

      5. On the same page, change the Display warning time and select the Option. Click OK to restart or Shutdown the Server.

      Rachel Gomez

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