
  • Creator
  • #2164916



    by megld28 ·

    how can I repair my CD that got cracked? I have very inportant information on it that I need to retrieve.


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    • #2804636


      by megld28 ·

      In reply to repair


    • #2804627

      Not sure about a cracked disk but you can try ISOBuster.

      by 1bn0 ·

      In reply to repair

      The download will let you determine if it is possible to read the disk. You will have to purchase to be able to save files.

    • #2804324

      You really should respond to questions asked of you so we can attempt

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to repair

      To help you solve this problem.

      Unfortunately the SCSI Interface for my Crystal Ball broke last week and it’s not repairable. The company who made this is no longer in Business and I can not find one of these units for sale on E-Bay or similar sites so I have no idea of just how bad this [b]Crack[/b] is.

      What you do need to know however is that CD or DVD Drives now spin considerably faster than they used to and broken Disc’s can disintegrate and cause injuries sometimes very serious to people near the computers that they are inserted into. Back in the days of 24 X Burners I saw the results of a Cheap CD with Air Pockets in it exploding and rendering the user unable to work for 3 months. He was in hospital for 2 months and underwent several operations attempting to remove bits of the plastic substrate that had enter him when the CD failed.

      The company involved never got all the bits of Plastic out of the wall that was damaged and they didn’t get the now destroyed CD Drive replaced Under Guarantee either.

      If there is a severe crack in any Recordable Media you that you need to get data off then you really need to send it to a place that can safely read the Disc and that involves equipment that spins the Disc very slowly to prevent it flying apart. If the Disc has a break in it there will be areas that are not possible to recover and you may get corrupt files recovered that are unusable. If it is a Commercial Disc then the easy answer is to replace it with a new one as it’s cheaper than paying a Data Recovery House with the ability to Forensically Recover Data.
      the other thing you should know about Recorded Disc’s is that under ideal storage conditions they have a limited life Kodiak recommends rerecording CD Media every 5 years to prevent Data Loss as once the Dye o the Plastic Substrate starts breaking down there is no possibility of recovering any data no matter how much you are prepared to spend.

      Sometimes a CD will crack in the center from the CD Player and render the Disc unreadable as the Partition Information is stored at the start of the Data Track which is in the Middle and the Disc is read from the inside out.


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