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  • #2082069

    Replacement for pcAnywhere


    by pporcella ·

    pcAnywhere leaves a large opportunity for security problems at my company. We have audited ourselves with a third party auditor and have since shutdown all pcAnywhere usage. Does anyone have a suggestion on a very “secure” program that allows you totake over a pc’s desktop remotely, either by dialin or across a LAN/WAN? It has to be a program touted by the IS industry so I can submit it to management for scrutiny. We really need it for dialin access/pc takeover(desktop). LAN/WAN optional. thx,

    hero in training(Peter P)

All Comments

  • Author
    • #3903407

      Replacement for pcAnywhere

      by iain ogston ·

      In reply to Replacement for pcAnywhere

      Try VNC. It’s free. More info at…

      By combining the VNC software with freely available SSH clients/servers a secure and encrypted connection can be established between clients and servers, even over dialup. There are numerous discussions on this in the VNC mailing lists.

      They have patches available to add zlib compression to the system which reportedly enhances performance over slow links such as dialup connections.

      VNC access can be via a dedicated client application (platform specific) or via a web browser with Java. At most you would need to open two ports on your organisations firewall(5800 and 5900). These port numbers are configurable. If you implement SSH then only port 22 wouldbe required (standard SSH port).

    • #3903401

      Replacement for pcAnywhere

      by mikewalsh ·

      In reply to Replacement for pcAnywhere

      I would recommend LapLink 2000 – as a commercial application – if this is of interest. An overview of which is available here -

      I use LapLink and had checked out pcAnywhere but found this more secure and reliable.

      Hope this helps.

    • #3903317

      Replacement for pcAnywhere

      by mcse lee ·

      In reply to Replacement for pcAnywhere

      LanDesk… it allows complete remote control of workstations (even via dialup) with full security. Our company (my agency) uses it exclusively to troubleshoot and repair over 3500 PC’s nationwide from a single location.

    • #3900330

      Replacement for pcAnywhere

      by jyee ·

      In reply to Replacement for pcAnywhere

      Peter, the best solution is to go with Thin Clients – Citrix. Everything you’ll need to know is at If you’re looking for something that is fast and secure, this is it since it offers many levels of security by default.

    • #3900303

      Replacement for pcAnywhere

      by _larry ·

      In reply to Replacement for pcAnywhere

      I’ve done a nominal check myself, with the main issue being security. VCN is powerful, with a lot of support for deployment. Citrix’s WinFrame & MetaFrame are virtually bulletproof for med to large companies. You didn’t say what Nos, but by rel.2of W2K this summer, along with Citrix cutting edge technology they have all the secure messaging connectors for MS’s Advanced SRVR.
      I work at a small company and we use Timbuktu for us road kill. Reliable with no holes even w/NT. They also have anEnterprise Edition on the table. Then there is CompAssociates Unicenter TNG. Like Fort Knox.

    • #3900089

      Replacement for pcAnywhere

      by ann ·

      In reply to Replacement for pcAnywhere

      The replacement we’ve used is Timbuktu32 Pro. It allows or access through the internet as well as through dialup and the security settings allow for users on the LAN/WAN with the proper permissions access as well as seperate non-NT logins and passwords to be available to those who are coming in form the outside.

    • #3897729

      Replacement for pcAnywhere

      by ra1952 ·

      In reply to Replacement for pcAnywhere

      We use Comnputer Associates’ ControlIT, which tightly intergrates with NT security if that is your NOS.

    • #3900540

      Replacement for pcAnywhere

      by bbuechler ·

      In reply to Replacement for pcAnywhere

      I would suggest Laplink Tech. It’s made by the same company as Laplink 2000 but allows Admins a larger base of admin tools. Without going into great detail, it’s much more securable than PCAnywhere. Details:

    • #3896759

      Replacement for pcAnywhere

      by cgerman ·

      In reply to Replacement for pcAnywhere

      you can use windows netmeeting

    • #3899291

      Replacement for pcAnywhere

      by al macintyre ·

      In reply to Replacement for pcAnywhere

      There is a free white paper on this subject from I think it is or 1-800-Go-Perle … I am sorry I do not remember the exact name since I have read several of their white papers on computer communication trade-offs.

      As I recall, security issues included

      Do you want something loaded on the employee PC that is the property of the employer … hard to recover the cost when they part company, but vastly superior security compared to PC Anywhere. I think that is the best deal … the price is not that much for the added security.

      If one PC is infected with a virus, and it dials into the corporate system & the end user does not bother with the anti-virus stuff because it is a nuisance for them.

      There’s something calledCarbon Copy & I do not remember the others, but PC Anywhere does have several competitors.

      There is some deal that uses a dial-back. The remote user’s PC sends some signal & then the host system dials up the end user location & the PC there connects. If the remote

    • #3899290

      Replacement for pcAnywhere

      by al macintyre ·

      In reply to Replacement for pcAnywhere

      I had a far too long posting … the most important thing I wanted to say was to consider caller-id.

      If you capture the phone # that the caller is coming from & compare it to a list of places that is Ok for that calelr to come from & update the list for remote users as they travel & call in … they may have to voice phone in before a modem call, then you extend physical security to logical security & the biggest risk is from insiders.


    • #3899067

      Replacement for pcAnywhere

      by tysonmathews ·

      In reply to Replacement for pcAnywhere

      RAS then use VNC from AT&T It is freeware too! The Java one is real nice.

    • #3785830

      Replacement for pcAnywhere

      by redeyes ·

      In reply to Replacement for pcAnywhere

      Peter — I guess this is my lucky day… (Two surefire answers to get some points on TechRepublic.)
      Please visit and check out the NetOp remote control product. It blows the doors off PCAnywhere and integrates with Windows security.

      Honorable mention goes to the FREE ATT Labs WinVNC product that others are mentioning.

      Good Luck — I’ll be waiting for you to award me the points…

    • #3745769

      Replacement for pcAnywhere

      by pporcella ·

      In reply to Replacement for pcAnywhere

      This question was closed by the author

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