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  • #2073665

    Replacing Null values with 0 for an expr


    by isolater ·

    In an access I have a query that uses the values from several other sum queries. It is an inventory query which shows such things as items in stock(total delivered – total sent out) and items on order (total ordered – total delivered). Using the join properties the query will show results for each item even if there are no results for it in some of the sum fields. The problem is that with these fields with no results (null valuse) no value is shown in the expression. For example: 20 desks have been ordered but none have yet been delivered (a null value for total delivered). The on order expression shows nothing rather than 20 as it should. I am sure there must be some way to replace all null values in an expression with zeros.

    Thanks for any help.

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    • #3893596

      Replacing Null values with 0 for an expr

      by robert.f.collins ·

      In reply to Replacing Null values with 0 for an expr

      One way to do this is using the Nz() string function. The idea is this, you can set a string variable up to return the value you need. X, for instance can be this value. If X comes back equal to null, this can cause problems in fields defined to disallow null values. The Nz function works like this: x=Nz(x,”0″) ..if x comes back as a null then 0 is reported within the cells. Let me know if this helps you.

    • #3893590

      Replacing Null values with 0 for an expr

      by mcorr ·

      In reply to Replacing Null values with 0 for an expr

      The previous answer is correct if your problem is calculating on nulls. However, it sounds like you don’t have the join syntax correct. The correct format is below:

      SELECT Inv.item_name, Stock.tot_ord, Stock.tot_del
      FROM Stock RIGHT JOIN Inv ON Stock.ID = Inv.ID
      GROUP BY Inv.item_name

      It is important to have the list of items on the side with the outer join, in this case on the Right. This will ensure that all items in Inv are reported, even if they are zero.


      • #3894439

        Replacing Null values with 0 for an expr

        by isolater ·

        In reply to Replacing Null values with 0 for an expr

        Thanks but the join properties were right.
        eg item instock onorder
        item1 50 5

        if the join properties were not right item2 wouldn’t appear at all. The problem was that the queries that give the results were coming up with nothing as the item2 doesn’t have values for some of the fields they need.

        Thanks anyway.

    • #3893498

      Replacing Null values with 0 for an expr

      by mark.tassin ·

      In reply to Replacing Null values with 0 for an expr

      Use the Isnull function for that part of the query.

      IIF(Isnull(),0,)) as somefield

      Where field is the name of the field you’re getting nulls in.

      This will put 0’s where the field is null and the value of the field where it exists.

    • #3893460

      Replacing Null values with 0 for an expr

      by wessir ·

      In reply to Replacing Null values with 0 for an expr

      Sounds like you need to control what is (or is not being returned in the query). The easy way to do this is by combining the Immediate If and IsNull functions. Use IIF(IsNull([Field]),”0″,[Field]) A variation on this is the IsEmpty function that works on form controls. If you have trouble (data type mismatch) you might try replacing “0” with the Ascii value function for 0: CHR(48)

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