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  • #3937418

    Replies on Twitter


    by maryycampbelll ·

    Hello! Can somebody help me please?
    Under my tweet i can see the number of people that replied on it, 2 for example.
    But when I press on the tweet to see who replied, there are no replies there.
    No hidden replies, no spam, nothing. But still when I go back I can see number two under the tweet where replies are shown.
    What can be the problem about?
    Thank you in advance!

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    • #3939963
      Avatar photo

      Re: Twitter

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Replies on Twitter

      Probably only Twitter’s customer support can explain this after looking into the situation.
      All I can think of is that those 2 replies have been deleted, either by the people who wrote them or by some algorithm from Twitter itself.

      • #3939960
        Avatar photo

        Agreed with Kees

        by birdmantd ·

        In reply to Re: Twitter

        Other thoughts are if a forum moderator on Twitter deleted a response, if the author posted anonymously or later deleted/edited out their prior post.

    • #3939941

      Deleted comments

      by gplayskygate ·

      In reply to Replies on Twitter

      It’s seems that these comments have been removed by Twitter algorithms

    • #4214296

      Tweet reply

      by mareeshamandrin ·

      In reply to Replies on Twitter

      This may be due to glitch or any temporary bug. Clear your cache and try it in a different device. If that doesn’t work seek help from the platform.

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