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  • #4158667

    Reposting a question about vpn to try to better clarify

    by thetechman2014 ·


    What hardware is needed to setup a vpn. Your computer or other devices are called clients. When an actual vpn is created what is the equipment that is used to make a vpn. It’s my understanding some businesses mostly larger ones have their own vpns and dont actually subscribe to a vpn service.

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      Reply To: Reposting a question about vpn to try to better clarify

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Reposting a question about vpn to try to better clarify

      A vpn-connection between your PC at home and the network of your company doesn’t need any special hardware.

      The difference between a normal connection and a vpn-connection is comparable with the difference between a http:-connection and a https:-connection The encryption is done in the software.

      But no doubt, just as you can use dedicated devices for firewalls and anti-virus , it should be possible to implement the encryption in a separate device. But I think that’s only a good idea for a VPN-company, not for you and me and your employer.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.
      • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.
    • #4162816

      VPN Setup Simplified

      by tarapwahcantt ·

      In reply to Reposting a question about vpn to try to better clarify

      Setting up a VPN (Virtual Private Network) typically doesn’t require any special hardware for individual users like yourself or small businesses. A VPN connection, such as one between your home PC and your company’s network, relies primarily on software-based encryption. In other words, the security and encryption needed for a VPN are handled by the software itself.

      The analogy drawn here is that using a VPN is similar to the difference between an HTTP connection (standard) and an HTTPS connection (secure) when browsing the internet—the encryption occurs within the software layer.

      However, it’s worth noting that larger organizations or VPN service providers might opt for dedicated hardware solutions to handle VPN encryption, particularly for managing high volumes of connections. This approach can be more complex and resource-intensive, making it suitable for VPN service providers but not typically necessary for individual users or small companies.

      For most users and small businesses, the software-based approach to VPN setup is both practical and effective. It offers the necessary security and privacy without the need for specialized hardware.

      I hope this clarifies your question about VPN hardware setup. If you have any more specific queries or need further information, feel free to ask.

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