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  • #2075428

    Run Service


    by ckaylam ·

    I have a NT Server 4.0 with Proxy Server 2.0 running as a gateway connecting to internet.

    The connecting service using a program called PPOE. I try tried to configure the program run at startup

    or change the value in registry

    Question: How can I configure the NT server 4.0 to make the PPOE service connect automatically withouot LOGON.

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    • #3783963

      Run Service

      by inspectorclave ·

      In reply to Run Service

      If it is actually a “service”, then go to START -> SETTINGS -> CONTROL PANEL -> SERVICES. Scroll down until you find the appropriate service. Click on the service then click the STARTUP button. Select Automatic and click OK. This will start the service every time the machine boots up.

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