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  • #2073800

    Running a script to copy 2 files.


    by krexroat ·

    I’m on a network with multiple workgroups. We have a mix of 98 & w2k machines. I need to get a couple of norton files copied to all work stations for live update purposes. Problem is that I cannot find a place to have w2k machine log into primary domain, so I can run a script to copy files. I get the files to win98 boxes, but that is it. Any ideas on how to make this easier??

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    • #3894360

      Running a script to copy 2 files.

      by calves ·

      In reply to Running a script to copy 2 files.

      You said that the problem is the Win2K machines, I have a hibrid network with MACs, Avids, PCs with Win9x, NT and Win2k. I can tell you that if the Win2K machines are set properly, they will run the script. the scrip must to be a batch file, otherwise, disregard this answer, but if it’s, just send the Win2k a email message with the link on the message, so that, all the user has to do is click on the link on the message and select run from original place, That is it.
      I hope I pointed you in the right direction.

      Good Luck!

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