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  • #2142099

    Sage 300 Cloud

    by ascsolvconsult ·


    I am running a small real estate business, So what will the price and maintenance cost of this software be?

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All Comments

  • Author
    • #2413821

      Re: cost

      by keesb2 ·

      In reply to Sage 300 Cloud

      That’s a question for the seller, not for us. Surely they know.
      Usually, cloud software is based on a subscription with monthly costs. Not on buying and maintaining.
      It’s up to you to compare the monthly costs of the package you want to use to the benefits.

    • #2416488

      Sage 300 Cloud

      by naheed mir ·

      In reply to Sage 300 Cloud

      Sage 300 cloud price per month is different for different features included in it.
      The price range is between $50 to $100 per month by different sellers and
      features included. It supports numerous technologies, databases, and operating systems

    • #2416442

      sage 300cloud

      by deborasumopayroll ·

      In reply to Sage 300 Cloud

      The smart choice for growing services and distribution businesses, Sage 300cloud is a desktop solution with cloud-connected features that provides small and medium businesses with a highly adaptable business management solution accessible anytime anywhere to suit your growing business needs.

    • #2416439

      Cost Estimation of Software Maintenance

      by peopleux ·

      In reply to Sage 300 Cloud

      Software maintenance cost is derived from the changes made to software after it has been delivered to the end user. Software does not “wear out” but it will become less useful as it gets older, plus there WILL always be issues within the software itself.

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