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  • #4108682

    Salesforce datamodel from Erwin DDL

    by viratdevotee998 ·

    I’m relatively new to salesforce – trying to create a custom application with 20+ custom objects, fields, relationships etc.

    I have built the physical model in Erwin data modeller. Is it possible to use DDL from erwin to create data model in sales force?

    There’s a create objects from spreadsheet option in salesforce

    but is there a better way of maintaining datamodel in erwin but have a continuous deployment to salesforce model?

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    • #4108728
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      Reply To: Salesforce datamodel from Erwin DDL

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Salesforce datamodel from Erwin DDL

      From your post it seems that the answer is yes, if
      (1) Erwin can create the spreadsheet Salesforce needs to create the database
      (2) Erwin can create whatever Salesforce needs to add tables to an already created database, to add fields to existing tables, to add relationships between existing tables, to add domains and validation rules to an existing field, to add indexes and of course to delete and change everything.

      I’d say you know what you have to research.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.
      • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.
    • #4110557

      Reply To: Salesforce datamodel from Erwin DDL

      by Kefian ·

      In reply to Salesforce datamodel from Erwin DDL

      Erwin is a fantastic tool for data modeling, but unfortunately, Salesforce doesn’t natively support DDL import. However, don’t worry, there are ways to streamline your process.

      For instance, you could use the Salesforce Metadata API or tooling like Ant Migration Tool or SFDX CLI for bulk object and field creation. These tools allow you to maintain your data model in Erwin and deploy to Salesforce in a more automated manner.

      Keep in mind, though, that these tools have a bit of a learning curve. If you’re comfortable with spreadsheets, Salesforce’s object creation from a spreadsheet might be the easiest route to start with.

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