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  • #4037501

    Salesforce-Workday Integration- User Creation

    by himab9688 ·


    I have setup the Salesforce-Workday integration in my project.

    Now as part of next step, I want to create user Accounts in salesforce mapping the user details from Workday.

    i.e When salesforce admin enters the email address of new user in Salesforce, then on clicking save button, it should automatically start finding the corresponding user in Workday with same email address and autopopulate the user details in Salesforce with Workday user details.

    Please help with the steps on this, what should be the config/customization steps at Salesforce/Workday end.

    Thank you.

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    • #4037586
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      Re: integration

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Salesforce-Workday Integration- User Creation

      In principle it’s easy.

      Find the API that Workday offers to get user details. Then in Salesforce add coding to call that API and process the output when it sees a new user has been entered.

      Check the programming manuals of both systems and do what they say. Or hire somebody to do it for you if you can’t do it yourself.

    • #4094368

      Integrating Salesforce and Workday

      by Simply Shuvam ·

      In reply to Salesforce-Workday Integration- User Creation

      What you’re describing is a common use-case for integrating Salesforce and Workday. Essentially, you want to set up an automated process that will sync user details from Workday to Salesforce. Here’s an outline on how you might achieve this:

      1. Define the mapping: Identify which fields in Workday correspond to the fields in Salesforce. This will dictate the data flow from Workday to Salesforce.
      2. Configure Workday web services: Workday exposes its web services to interact with its resources. You will need to configure these web services to access the user data.
      3. Develop the integration: Salesforce offers several tools to handle integrations. You could use something like an Apex class or Salesforce’s built-in tools like External Services. Here’s a general approach using Apex:
      (a) Develop an Apex class that sends a callout to Workday web services once the email field is populated and the record is saved.
      (b) The callout would request Workday for user data based on the email address.
      (c) When the response from Workday is received, parse the data and populate the necessary fields in Salesforce.
      4. Handle errors and exceptions: Ensure your integration handles any errors or exceptions gracefully, such as the case when a user is not found in Workday.
      5. Testing: Thoroughly test your integration in a sandbox environment before deploying to production. Check for both positive and negative scenarios to ensure that your integration works as expected.
      6. Deploy: Once testing is complete, deploy the integration to your production environment.

      Please note that this is a high-level summary and there might be additional complexities depending on your specific setup and requirements. You should consider seeking the advice of a Salesforce developer or consultant to help guide you through this process.

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