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    Samsung hacking^^ my Phone

    by lindusxs ·

    Hello Community,

    I think my Samsung S8 is hacked, well it has been some time crazy.
    My 4 connection sensor for LTE, 3G, 2G and so on, plays around. It is this little thing on the upper right of the screen. It stopped one day..
    Seems a bit crazy, but the police isn’t answering a application.
    My Instagram changed too I can’t see the List anymore which other people liked.
    I think someone wanted to troll me first, but then sent me to the police or smth. **** happened.
    I need someone to tell me if the process list is right, or if there is something that shouldn’t be seen there.
    For example: , Face , out of nowhere came the “transfer data to other phones” , the phone is in German, one process is new: “settings suggestions”
    Some process can’t be stopped, so I writed a really really long text to the “hackers” . And then I just deleted the process and it worked…
    I’m thinking a lot.
    Can You help me?

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