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    • #3939810
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      Re: error log

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to SCCM – Windows Upgrade Win 10 21H1 – error log

      What exactly are you doing to produce this log?
      – Upgrade from what to what?

      Does this happen on all of your PC’s or on just one?

      I see it takes nearly half an hour, so most seems to go quite well. Nothing fatal. So my question:
      – What’s wrong with the result?

      • #3939769

        reading logfiles

        by kindlyrichi ·

        In reply to Re: error log

        It would be nice if we could talk about it once – as you realize that so far everything is going well.
        How exactly you read the log. Which key data are relavant for you. Quasi what do you pick out besinders and what must be paid attention to exactly when reading log.

    • #3939806
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      This looks like versions or space issues.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to SCCM – Windows Upgrade Win 10 21H1 – error log

      Supplying the log is the story of three blind men and the elephant. The log is not sufficient to nail down why this SCCM upgrade failed. Also a nod to

      So many dependencies that your IT staffer has their work cut out for them.

      Let me share what we do when it fails. We deploy a new image or for standalone non-SCCM machine, clean install or deploy a new image. Deep research is time consuming and we don’t pay IT to do research. We pay them to get the machine back into the pool.

    • #3939770

      RE: error log

      by kindlyrichi ·

      In reply to SCCM – Windows Upgrade Win 10 21H1 – error log

      It was just on 3 computer’s (notebooks)
      The upgrade fails from 1803 to 21H1.

      I also have the setupact.log

      Now i have no access to the 3 affected client

      • #3939767
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        I decline to do a line by line analysis.

        by rproffitt ·

        In reply to RE: error log

        I know Microsoft can be paid for that work but again it looks like permission or space issues.

        -> Let’s be clear that Windows can be either damaged or with a few registry entries block such updates. The log only tells us so much but in cases like this where you are dealing with a fleet of PCs you will have the few units you’ll have to push out the new image rather than the update.

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