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  • #2141009

    Security tools for a cafe shop

    by daxtonrios ·


    My friend got laid off during the pandemic 3 months ago. So we are planning on doing some small business ourselves like opening a small cafe in Brooklyn. Both of us are working in IT companies and have limited knowledge about cafes, but a cafe with its own style has always been a small dream for them. We learn the skills and knowledge from my uncle, he is an expert in this field for over 15 years.

    Besides the coffee stuff, we’ve also found the location, and ready to decorate the small coffee shop. But we met lots of problems about starting a business. Here’s one of the problems we want to figure out: we want to know in advance what security measures are usually used in a cafe shop? Does anyone have any ideas on this?

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  • Author
    • #2419802
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      So much security.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Security tools for a cafe shop

      There’s your cash register system, possibly a public WiFi, then your camera system, the entry area and emergency egress. In short, there’s a lot of things that one could call security. Yes, it can get overwhelming at times.

    • #2419797
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      Re: cafe

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Security tools for a cafe shop

      – What kind of security do you mean?
      – Why not ask your uncle who is an expert?
      – Local authorities can tell you about things like fire exits and such. You might need some formal permission also. So better contact them.

    • #2419755

      Simple answer

      by cindy19851111 ·

      In reply to Security tools for a cafe shop

      Of course, if you didn’t do anything wrong, you can ignore them, except they can find the evidence with the cctv recordings. I think most small retailers won’t install real cameras in shops since it’s expensive to do that to find a thief ( an experienced SI here, help customers to set up cctv system like skyrex, axis, briefcam, and so on)

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