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  • #2140678

    Separate an “Audio Network” from my main network

    by tomalele ·



    I don’t know much about networking but I’m wondering what would be the best way to separate an audio network from a regular network using the same cable. I’ll try to explain what I mean..

    I have a very basic home network (router – switch – devices) and I was wondering if there was an easy way to make a private network within that that allows only 2 computers to communicate and cannot access the web?

    I wondered if Subnet Masks or VLANs may be the answer?
    Could I set up some kind of virtual network adapter on my PC that uses a different Subnet to the one that I’m using for my main network so that it only talks to the other PC with the same thing set up?

    I need to be able to differentiate between them so that I can tell my audio software to look at the network I have set up for audio and not the one that has web access. If it helps to know, the software I am using is Dante.

    ^I realise this probably makes very little sense… probably just proves how new I am to the networking field.


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    • #2416224

      Possible with VLANs if you have a managed switch

      by spetryschuk ·

      In reply to Separate an “Audio Network” from my main network

      This is exactly what VLANs allow you to do. In order to set this up, you’ll need a managed switch. Most home / consumer grade switches are un-managed switches, so wouldn’t be capable of this.

      You haven’t shared the make/model of any of your home network, so I can’t confirm 100%.

      You mentioned:
      “only 2 computers to communicate and cannot access the web?”

      If you simply want to prevent these devices from communicating outside your network, you can look at adding a more restrictive policy on your router ( I assume it has a basic firewall too …). Note that doing this will still allow them to communicate inside the network, just not outbound.

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