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  • #2239861

    Server monitoring analyse


    by larsbouwens ·


    At the moment we are doing an inventarisation of our technical infrastructure, this because we are thinking about moving to virtualisation (vmware ESX). A part of this project is server monitoring. I collected the data of over 50 servers on cpu, memory, disk io and network. After the monitoring phase (used PA Server Monitor PRO), it’s time to analyse these statistics.

    My approach is to indicate the average use of resources on the highest workhours (09-12).

    I’m having problem with analysing the results of memory, disk io and network! When is it high? when is it low?

    For example the usage of the application servers is:
    CPU (% in use): 12%
    memory (pages/sec): 30 pages/ec
    disk I (avg disk kb/read): 15 kb
    disk O (avg disk kb/write): 13kb
    network (kb sent/sec): 52 kb sent/sec

    Is there some explination available wich can help me analyse these statistics?

    Thanks in advance!

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