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  • #2141010

    setting up a home storage server that can communicate between multiple os

    by troyman1296 ·

    Is it possible to setup a server that can communicate between Apple os, windows os and a game console. My wife and I prefer Mac laptops for daily drivers but I want to get into pc solely for gaming and we both use consoles for friends and playing co-op games. Would it be possible to setup a server that can communicate between the windows and Apple computers and then a separate partition for the gaming consoles?

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    • #2419805
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      What file server works with this unknown game console?

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to setting up a home storage server that can communicate between multiple os

      As to Apple OS and Windows that is dead simple. Most FTP Servers (software) work great on these, Linux, Android and other OSes.

      But as to the gaming console. What gaming console can you share that works with a server and for what purpose? Now keep in mind I won’t detour into hacked consoles.

      • #2419804

        Xbox storage server

        by troyman1296 ·

        In reply to What file server works with this unknown game console?

        I haven’t actually done any deep research but am going off conjecture that it can work with an Xbox. When I used a splitter to plug in three separate hard drives to check them for a friend on my Xbox it read them as three drives but when I did a reformat it read them all as one. I don’t know if it was a bug or not but it got me thinking about using a larger storage server instead of the regular external drives.

        • #2419803
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          Xbox looks like it doesn’t do that.

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Xbox storage server

          Xbox (all models) are not very adept at this use. As to the splitter I take it was some USB HUB and well, Microsoft didn’t appear to write support for that into the Xbox so not unexpected.

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