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  • #2091284

    Setup firewall in Solaris 7 or Linux


    by ufs00083 ·

    I want to setup a firewall for our small company and we have 128 ip addresses from to for example.
    and the gateway is

    How can I setup and implement the most efficient firewall by using Solaris or Linux platform to protect our web server, mail server and other workstations? I am trying not to using
    192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x scope of ip address for internal ip.

    Any ideas?

All Comments

  • Author
    • #3878796

      Setup firewall in Solaris 7 or Linux

      by cleong ·

      In reply to Setup firewall in Solaris 7 or Linux

      You can try checkpoint Firewall 2000, for Solaris 7 in 32bit mode only and Linux 6.1 with Kernel version 2.2.x

      Basically what you can do it separate the network segment in between the web server and the rest of the network. Or you can set up a DMZ segment and place the web server on the DMZ segment. You can assign yourself into any IP address. Usually 206.* actually more for public network class. Set up 192.* or 10.* for private segment and 206 for DMZ segment. You get the IP address arrange from the ISP for you DMZ segment.

    • #3869120

      Setup firewall in Solaris 7 or Linux

      by wheeles ·

      In reply to Setup firewall in Solaris 7 or Linux

      Check out the Gibraltar firewall project at – you might find it interesting.

    • #3869444

      Setup firewall in Solaris 7 or Linux

      by raj ·

      In reply to Setup firewall in Solaris 7 or Linux

      You can use any commerical firewall like checkpoint, raptor, guardian etc., and still you can use public IP address for your internal network.

      If you are looking for freeware you can look at fwtk., this is simple to setup.But reserved IP (192.168.x.x) address are always suggested when you are using firewalls. This is the most secure and commonway of designing firewalls.

    • #3882423

      Setup firewall in Solaris 7 or Linux

      by ufs00083 ·

      In reply to Setup firewall in Solaris 7 or Linux

      This question was closed by the author

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