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  • #2142058

    shared RAM ruining my experience

    by lucasamvanherk ·


    Ok, so here is my issue:

    since i dont have a dedicated graphics my 16 GB of 2600 ddr4 sdRAM is divided over the graphics, this division is fluid, so sometimes it’ll have 1024MB VRAM and other times it’ll have 8GB of VRAM

    The issue is that only when an app specifies it needs a certain amount of VRAM, the shared ram goes more towards the GPU, but no app will take more because they think its a hard limit, sometimes it does get triggered tho and ill have buttersmooth graphics, but that rarely happens, anyone have an idea to increase the standard 1024MB of VRAM or trigger this VRAM change?

    PC specs

    Acer aspire 3 (a315-41-r163)

    AMD ryzen 5 2500u

    radeon vega 8

    second display+ extra pheripherals including mouse and keyboard

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