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  • #2261443

    Sharepoint Missing Documents


    by athiharan ·

    Sharepoint Missing Documents?

    Hi I have been given the task of finding out what happened to some missing documents uploaded in to sharepoint. We are using Sharepoint 2003

    I mapped a drive in to a sharepoint site and I moved some documents from one site to another site shared document.

    user rang up later and complained that the documents are missing from the folder we moved them to.

    now I can not find where the documents are.

    The problem is

    1) How can find these missing documents.

    I have mapped to the the top site and then using windows explorer searched the entire site tree and I can not find the documents.

    2) I want to know if I somehow we can get a track of what happened to the document either using sharepoint or even going in to the database and see some table that can tell us if the document was deleted, moved etc and by who. Is this possible.

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    • #2531125

      Make sure they aren’t waiting to be approved

      by jeff_thompson75074 ·

      In reply to Sharepoint Missing Documents

      If you moved from one libray to another library that needed approval for the documents, they could be sitting there waiting for approval.

      Just a though

      • #2456959

        Similar but different….

        by cmclean ·

        In reply to Make sure they aren’t waiting to be approved

        Ok, So I have a Document Library. I am an administrator for the site. I have users that are contributors to 1 folder in the library and readers on the rest of the library. It’s a controlled document type scenario for policies, procedures, end user docs, etc. So the issue I have is:

        I created a few views, these views are based on extra columns I added (Document owner, Department, etc.) They are public views as far as I can tell. Since everyone sees the views, but they are not filtering right. They see the main heading of dept. but everything is lumped in one grouping. I see everything as it should be. Also, they have uploaded a few new documents, they can see them, but I cannot. I have looked in explorer view, every view I can think of and more, but I cannot see the documents they uploaded. They can see everything that is there, but it isn’t showing up in the views correctly. Any ideas? Yes approvals is on, and I checked for that, they aren’t showing up there either.

        Help please!

        • #2752693


          by rebeccaaward-cox ·

          In reply to Similar but different….

          I don’t mean to sound accusing, but you did make sure that you have “owner” permission to the document library, right? Only those with permissions will see the documents. If you aren’t in the group with permissions (or if they have “removed” you, then those documents will be out of your view. If you didn’t give yourself permission, you should be able to just give yourself permission. If they deleted your permission, you will need to go back to the farm level and give yourself permission from that level.

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