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  • #2073793

    Sharing Calenders without an Exchange se


    by scott_hopkins ·

    I am working with a small business who wants to be able to share their Outlook 98 Calendars and Tasks without the expense and administration overhead of an Exchange server. Is there a way to share either Calendars and Tasks, or even private folderswithout using an Exchange server? The site has a small LAN (6 PC’s) and and a 40 GB Snap! file server. They all have a shared network drive, but I just can’t seem to figure out how to share the Outlook information.

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    • #3894334

      Sharing Calenders without an Exchange se

      by calves ·

      In reply to Sharing Calenders without an Exchange se

      Yes there is. Actually, is very similar procedure as of Exchange, you share the Outlook Today and then the folder, you give rights, etc…. You’ll send out an invitation to receive the folder, and upon acceptance the floder is added to your OutlookToday folder list. The updates comes in a form of emails, that Outlook automaticaly updates. However, I have to warn you that it does not work properly. I had problems, on a regular basis. The most commons are entries that either the Owner or authorized editor to the folder makes, and it doesn’t get updated anywhere else. It makes the whole process worthless since it cannot be trusted. My solution? Invested in the Exchange Server.

      Good Luck!

    • #3894318

      Sharing Calenders without an Exchange se

      by curlergirl ·

      In reply to Sharing Calenders without an Exchange se

      calves is correct in his answer, except that he left out a few details. In order to do what he described, you have to set up a Microsoft Mail postoffice on one of your workstations, and you need to install a service call Net Folders on each of the workstations as well (this is installed from the Outlook 98 CD). Then you can send/receive email among the workstations as well as share folders. The updates are sent between workstations as hidden email messages and there is a size limit (I think it’s less than 5MB or so) so you have to keep everyone’s Outlook open all the time so that the updates don’t get too big to be transferred. calves is also correct that this process is very buggy – I tried it on a three-person LAN, and ended up selling them Small Business Server instead because it was such a b***h to keep it working. SBS is perfect for a small LAN like this one and it includes all of the “fancy” network services like Proxy, Exchange, and SQL server. It may cost them a few thousand but will save a l

    • #3894316

      Sharing Calenders without an Exchange se

      by curlergirl ·

      In reply to Sharing Calenders without an Exchange se

      Damn! – that 1000 char limit really bites it sometimes! Just wanted to let you know that you can feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions about SBS and how it might help you w/this client. Hope this helps!

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