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  • #2140968

    Should I replace my LCD with a newer model?

    by tiroxsteels ·


    Hey guys,

    Recently I bought Inspiron 15 Laptop. My laptop’s screen has been tearing a lot lately when I turn it on, change web pages, or view videos. When you physically move the screen, nothing happens. When using an external monitor, the problem does not arise. I’m thinking of getting a newer LCD panel for my laptop; is it okay if I do so?

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    • #2413301
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      Re: screen

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Should I replace my LCD with a newer model?

      Better replace with an identical model. That’s much better than another model.

      But it’s not sure it’s the screen. It can be the cable and the motherboard also. Then you pay for another screen while it doesn’t help. Maybe better have a repair shop have a look first.

      I assume it’s an old second hand laptop. On a new or refurbished one you would have warranty. That’s why companies (especially big ones like yours) seldom buy second hand stuff. Why did your IT department do that?

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