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  • #4262071

    Should smartphones be incorporated into the workplace more?

    by JustSomeGuy42 ·

    Hi, does anyone think that we should use smartphones in the workplace, or would they be a distraction?

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    • #4262078
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      Reply To: Should smartphones be incorporated into the workplace more?

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Should smartphones be incorporated into the workplace more?

      That depends on what you use them for. It’s up to you. Incorporation in the work seems something for the manager to decide on.

    • #4262111
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      Reply To: Should smartphones be incorporated into the workplace more?

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Should smartphones be incorporated into the workplace more?

      It cannot be mandatory unless the employer provides the handset to their employees. They can make it voluntary for those employees who wish to use such resources on their own devices.

      I don’t understand the nature of the OP’s question in regard to the current society we live in as it isn’t happening on a standard basis for an overwhelming percentage of employees. It can be helpful for some but even then there is no guarantee that it will.

    • #4262735

      Reply To: Should smartphones be incorporated into the workplace more?

      by llockard128 ·

      In reply to Should smartphones be incorporated into the workplace more?

      I think that smartphones in the workplace could both help and hinder it. For example, people who are responsible could find great use with it because of their ability to manage with it but at the same time, people who aren’t responsible may use them as a distraction so I think it lies in each employee.

    • #4263044

      Reply To: Should smartphones be incorporated into the workplace more?

      by DediRock ·

      In reply to Should smartphones be incorporated into the workplace more?

      Smartphones can be a valuable tool in the workplace if used effectively.
      They offer convenience for communication and accessing information on the go.
      However, it’s important to establish clear guidelines to ensure they enhance productivity without becoming a distraction.
      Many of us, if not all of us, are continuously checking social media apps, and we are aware that doing so can cause us to lose focus on work and meetings.

      Setting limits for personal use during working hours and promoting focused use can help to optimize efficacy without compromising output.

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