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  • #3980152

    Single Sign-On ISS 6.2 – One of two sites Intermittently won’t authenticate

    by alexg131 ·

    Hello there,

    Was hoping to get some help with an issue:

    Currently in our testing environment, one IIS site (out of two) intermittently asks for credentials.

    Our monitoring responds with 401 errors (believe due to login prompt) – shown below: (shortened)

    GET / – 80 – Microsoft+Monitoring+Agent+7.1.10184.0 – 401 2 5 0

    Both sites are configured for SSO, the other site works fine all the time, even while the affected site is having issues.

    This issue is intermittent – occurred 2 days out of 7 this week.

    We currently have a workaround of restarting only the affected site, which then allows users to access via SSO,

    and we even have an automated task for this.

    However I would still like to resolve the root issues itself. Event gaining a greater understanding of how a user SSO request can be transformed into needing credentials, and what common causes of this may be. Any help is greatly Appreciated.

    Additional info:

    -IIS version 6.2 used

    -Windows server 2012 R2 used

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