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  • #3978255

    Slow bootup and other functions

    by zedsdead1997 ·

    So I have always noticed my PC running slow in almost all ways possible. Bootup takes forever, opening software, and just general operations seem to take longer than they should. I just need to know what to upgrade in order for everything to run smoother and quicker.
    Processor – Core i9 3.70GHz
    RAM – 36GB
    Storage – 931GB (SATA) & 930GB (TMax (SSD))

    I figured having double storage options would increase the speed of everything, but it doesn’t seem to have any effect.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.

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  • Author
    • #3978267
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      I’d test this without any HDDs.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Slow bootup and other functions

      It’s a recurring complaint about HDDs in PCs today.

    • #3978286
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      Re: slow

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Slow bootup and other functions

      Install Windows and programs on the SSD. Use the SATA disk to store your files.

      A fresh install of everything might be a good idea to remove all malware that you don’t see. Then test your speed after installing Windows and without any third-party programs. Should be fine now. Then gradually install your other programs again and restore your data on the SSD from your backup if overwritten. Data on the SATA disk can probably stay where it is.

      From what you tell there is no need for any hardware upgrade, although depending on what you run you won’t notice any speed difference between 8 GB RAM and 36 GB RAM.

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