General discussion
Smart Phones and Tablets for today
LockedThe Microsoft move to the Surface and Windows 8 along with the move of the phone makers now making phones bigger for increased smart phone activity on the Internet, instead of smaller more compact direction they had been going, shows they see a big market potential in people using smart phones and mobile connectivity for the web browsing etc.
That being the case I wonder why they don’t put out matched sets, say Bluetooth headset linked to a tablet that accepts a SIM card and is used for all the phone data and tablet work. The tablet does all the searching and storing and the phone headset is used only for talking on the phone. Heck, you could do the same with a standard tablet and install Skype on it, thus using the Bluetooth headset for answering your calls and use voice recognition software for the common numbers (as many do now).
I wonder how long before someone starts doing this, or are you already doing this?