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  • #3937654

    Smartphone for Business purpose?

    by motino7529 ·


    Aryan from #########. Need a suggestion on smartphone which is best and suitable for Business purpose.

    internet link and business name removed as SPAM by moderator.

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    • #3940660
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      Not enough information

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Smartphone for Business purpose?

      You need to clarify your needs more clearly. Apple iOS or Android OS ? What is your budget ? Where are you ? Who is your provider ? Any specific wants/needs/features that you have ? Any specific phone manufacturer ? Do you want a folding phone or a bar-style phone ? Impossible to offer advice without more details.

    • #3940656
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      Re: phone

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Smartphone for Business purpose?

      Start with using your current phone for business purposes. Then, if you find it isn’t suitable, you know your requirements for another phone. Knowing what you want really helps to buy the right thing.
      And maybe you find it’s good enough. Then you save a lot of money.

    • #3940653
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      Given only this.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Smartphone for Business purpose?

      If you like Apple then get the iPhone of the size you like.
      For Android my choice today would be the Pixel 5a.

      Why the Pixel? The storage you get with the Pixel among other reasons.

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