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  • #2136421

    So the Google Glass hype is on. Thoughts?


    by wackywheels ·

    Google is developing actually functional camcorder/glasses. With the first recorded videos hitting the net, what are your thoughts on the possible development/use of this technology?
    As soon as I saw a few videos, I thought about next-gen movie experience or virtual or added reality. Overall, I think this is kind of what we’ve seen in all those sci-fi movies back in the day (with holographic interfaces, heads-up displays, etc.)
    Btw, I saw these videos

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    • #2903795

      Speed of Uptake

      by dogknees ·

      In reply to So the Google Glass hype is on. Thoughts?

      I’m thinking that if it doesn’t take off and is re-invented in a decade, it means people aren’t ready for this sort of technology from a social or ethical point of view. After all isn’t it businesses place to “supply” technology to meet our “demands, not the other way around?

      I’ve always considered business’s first responsibility is not to it’s shareholders, but to society. They only have a right to exist if they provide goods or services that people want, at a price people are prepared to pay, and to operate in a way that we consider acceptable.

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