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  • #2144562

    Social Media Platforms

    by readsamuel20 ·

    Hi, I am wondering if it is possible to pull content from existing social media platforms and display it in one single area, where users can engage with it (like, comment, etc still). Of course with the other platforms approval. Quick responses appreciated!

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  • Author
    • #2418711

      Social media and UGC content helps

      by ritujha7652 ·

      In reply to Social Media Platforms

      Hi, you can definitely gather existing content from various social media platforms and display it at one place. You can either create a page on Instagram or create your own blog. Here you can display your content and also user generated content and tag them giving them credits. This will help them also to reach a wider audience and it will help you too. You will be able to increase the engagement and follower base as you would be should the best of content from various places at one page. I reside in Surat so I have studied and analyzed few strategies of social media marketing company in Surat that just post the best and trending posts of the digital world. So, you can do it too in the area of your interest. Sharing user generated content is the fastest way to increase engagement.

    • #2419413

      social media

      by deborasumopayroll ·

      In reply to Social Media Platforms

      Social media marketing is a powerful way for businesses of all sizes to reach prospects and customers. Your customers are already interacting with brands through social media, and if you’re not speaking directly to your audience through social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, you’re missing out! Great marketing on social media can bring remarkable success to your business, creating devoted brand advocates and even driving leads and sales.

      Social media marketing can help with a number of goals, such as:

      Increasing website traffic
      Building conversions
      Raising brand awareness
      Creating a brand identity and positive brand association
      Improving communication and interaction with key audiences
      The bigger and more engaged your audience is on social media networks, the easier it will be for you to achieve every other marketing goal on your list!

    • #2419348

      Social Media

      by manojshu10 ·

      In reply to Social Media Platforms

      Gathering engagement of local audience, I think you should go for the paid campaign on that social media. Paid campaign helps you to segment your reach using various factors like age group, area, gender etc. It surely helps you to reach your desired audience.

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