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    Software signing and MD5 checksum

    by radiolontra ·

    Hi all
    i’m not a developer but i’m dealing with software code signing, and i have a question for you, not sure if it’s more a technical or
    philosophical question.
    I have signed my software with a superb EV code signing certificate, with company validation and everything.
    I will make this file available for download on my website, and people who will download it will be sure it’s a good file.

    A lot of websites they add MD5 checksum next to the download button. I wonder if this can be really useful. If an hacker gains access to my website, he might be able to load another file and at the same time modify checksum too… what do you think about that?

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      Re: MD5 checksum

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Software signing and MD5 checksum

      That’s also meant to enable the receiver to check if there have been no transmission errors.

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