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  • #3998768

    Software to assist in tagging?

    by c1arla11 ·


    First off, thank you for trying to assist me! I have thousands of photos, videos, and other media that I would like to tag. I found out that while Windows will let you tag any media, it won’t let you search for all media types (ie. I have videos that I have tagged and tried to search for that tag to no avail). Is there any good, trustworthy software that will let me tag my media and be able to search by it?

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    • #3998837
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      Reminder to all

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Software to assist in tagging?

      Please feel free to post names of programs/applications but leave all links out or they will be deleted as SPAM. Thank you.

    • #3998945
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      I have to make an assumption.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Software to assist in tagging?

      That you want it free and does not include DAMs (digital asset managers.)


    • #4004090

      Reply To: Software to assist in tagging?

      by fatimarajpoot622 ·

      In reply to Software to assist in tagging?

      The creation and application of tags and retrieval of tagged documents from a folder-based structure can be achieved by a very wide range of software. Windows has native features for tagging some document types and for retrieving them via search, The management requirement for large digital photo collections has spawned many different applications, mainly tailored to use the extensive metadata options available for digital image files. Some applications primarily intended for images, such as Daminion Free, hydrus and Stagsi can also manage a range of non-image files. With the exception of Google Photos, XnView MP, and Eagle, these photo management applications are not reviewed, as the complexity of their interfaces makes them unsuitable for general use. There are also some specialized tagging applications for audio files only, such as the Web-based Tag Manager.

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