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  • #2143172

    Solving nvidia-xconfig problem and invalid xorg.conf

    by madhuaskmeoffers ·

    Given two monitors 1680×1050 && 1024×768, the image is output through two DVI ports.
    So, if you generate a config nvidia-xconfig, then the first monitor has a normal resolution, the second one is 640×480.
    OS: Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu Mate, Linux Mint 17.1 and all their derivatives. Tested on 319, 304, 331 driver versions.
    If you generate the config in the standard way Xorg -configure, then the problem disappears.
    On Arch Linux, this problem was not observed.
    I ask you to fix it somewhere, if suddenly someone has a similar problem, so that he can find a solution. Tested on Nvidia GTX 260, GTX 465 graphics cards.
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