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  • #4013779

    Someone listen to every single call that I made with my iphone, what should

    by nhinhi007 ·

    Hi all, I know this is sound hard to believe, but someone is listen to every single call that I make on my iphone, what should I do? I stop talking about my personal on the phone now, because I know someone will hear it and discuss with people at my work. I can not talk with my family about their problems or my problems any more, cause the listener will know and discuss about it. And not only my phone that they listen to, they track every website that I went to on my ipad also, and talked about it, like I went on to adult website and they also talked about it at my work also, so embarrassing, they know each and every website that I went to even I have VPN on my ipad, and more, they know which radio channel that I toon in, which TV’s channels that I am watching, I do not know how and why they do that to me, I am no harm to anyones, I mean no harms to anyones, why they do that to me. And what should I do, I hope somebody out there could help me. Thank you guys

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    • #4013792
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      Reply To: Someone listen to every single call that I made with my iphone, what should

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Someone listen to every single call that I made with my iphone, what should

      Never forget that your phone, tablet, computer tracks your internet usage via “cookies” and this is normal. I seriously doubt someone is spying on you like you think.

      Are any of your devices supplied by your employer or school? If so, they can track your internet usage very easily and it would be difficult to bypass that. I don’t know which internet browser you use, but I know that Google Chrome allows you to open internet sites as “incognito” and does not collect the same information as a standard internet page.

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Avatar photobirdmantd.
    • #4013919
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      I wish this happened to me.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Someone listen to every single call that I made with my iphone, what should

      It would be a great way to spread rumors such as, well, that wouldn’t be nice to share here!

      Listen to your dark side and think up how you can use this to your advantage!

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