
  • Creator
  • #2144762


    by mperu99 ·


    OK, but now how to get a PC that is connected to LAN X0 to get out to the internet on X1 once you DHCP X1 WAN interface????? but HOW?? how do you get the IP from the ISP modem to the firewall? i have a NSA 4600 at the main office, trying to build a site to site connection but first i cannot get remote users PC on internet, i have a user in Georgia , who has a TZ350, pc connected to TZ, TZ is connected to ATT modem, with public IP of 75.7.x.x (firewall on modem turned off) modem pools out DHCP of to X1 on firewall but i cannot get internet from her pc if plugged into X0 .
    X1 is WAN as DHCP from MODEM as X0 is 172.23.x.10 , PC connected to X0 gets a DHCP IP as 172.23.x.23 Firewall access rule LAN > WAN (any any any allow) PC cannot ping or access internet, however if i move PC directly to ATT modem, gets internet just fine, so its SONICWALL not allowing me to get out from LAN to WAN nor can i get the site to site VPN connected.

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