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  • #2079488

    sonicwall pro and vpn client setup


    by isdept ·

    We have sonicwall pro with the vpn client license. I want to be able to access the main file server on our lan via sonicwall vpn client version 3.02. We also want to host our web site and email server (which we are currently doing). We only have 1 public ip address given to us by our ISP. We are looking at changing ISP’s, which will give us several IP addresses via NAT from the ISP’s router.

    My questions

    Will we be able to access the lan via vpn, as well as host our web and email servers with this new IP address scheme? And how should we configure this?

All Comments

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    • #3773780

      sonicwall pro and vpn client setup

      by kybertech ·

      In reply to sonicwall pro and vpn client setup

      Is your Sonicwall installed now? Ususally you can configure the firewall with the external address, and then specify fixed private class addresses for www, email, etc.
      This table is configured at the firewall. More IP numbers will make your goalseasier, but you may be able to accomplish www/email/and VPN with your single address. An important question – are your IP numbers from the ISP fixed IP numbers, or are you getting a DHCP number that is translated at the ISP. Fixed addresses will also make your
      hosting and VPN goals much easier. I will lookup your DNS information and send you more detail after I look at how your DNS and ISP are configured.
      Good Luck

      • #3773597

        sonicwall pro and vpn client setup

        by isdept ·

        In reply to sonicwall pro and vpn client setup


        Yes our sonicwall is installed and it is working properly. We are locally hosting our co. web site as well as our email server. I have set the 2 servers up as public lan servers.

        My ISP is going to give me 16 IP addresses and they aregoing to nat them to us. I would like to have an email server, the http public server as well as vpn remote access to our lan. What do I need to do to make this work?

        Thank you for the help

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