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  • #2086946

    Speaker Sharing


    by jwm5150 ·

    Good Morning,

    I hate to start out with a question such as this one, but this has been driving me crazy for a while. I’m sure that many of you are using a KVM switch to conserve space (when using about eight boxes) at home. I was wondering if anyone had found a feasible solution to share speakers among the boxes also shared by a KVM. Up until now, I have yet to find a KVM that has speaker input/output. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


    Jim Miller

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    • #3762698

      Speaker Sharing

      by shiny_topadm ·

      In reply to Speaker Sharing

      Hi Jim, these switches do exist, but are very expensive. For example, Black Box ( has something called a Multimedia KVM extender that could be used to remotely locate keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers, and microphone (I realize this is kind of backwards from your need) that sells for $990 ! I believe what you want to do falls under the “custom” category, for which you will pay dearly. Good luck in your search. -Will

      • #3881158

        Speaker Sharing

        by jwm5150 ·

        In reply to Speaker Sharing

        Poster rated this answer

    • #3864663

      Speaker Sharing

      by techrep ·

      In reply to Speaker Sharing

      hmmmm…. the way I do this is using an old Radio Shack Mixer – i think the catalog actually called it a disco mixer or something like that. i don’t even know if they still make it, but it has three inputs for left+right and one input each for left mic and right mic (not that you’d use the mics). of course, then you have to put an amplifier behind that. better solution is with an A/B switch from the same place, but you wil have to do some re-wiring. better than $990.00!!!!

      • #3881159

        Speaker Sharing

        by jwm5150 ·

        In reply to Speaker Sharing

        Poster rated this answer

    • #3881157

      Speaker Sharing

      by jwm5150 ·

      In reply to Speaker Sharing

      This question was closed by the author

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