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  • #2072937

    Spool32 error


    by darena ·

    Problem: User is getting “spool32 caused an IPF in kernel32.dll” sometimes when printing from Word 2000 In WIN98SE.Once she got a “Winword caused an IPF in module unknown” when Word was not open (could have been a remnant) Printer is HPLJ2100. (There is no printer management software installed.)It locks her up and sometimes nothing will allow her to shut down except pulling the plug! Sometimes doing CTRL-ALT-DEL show Word is not responding but even after ending task she is still locked up. I have reinstalled the printer driver and done a Word repair. Don’t know if the problem could be Norton AV but have found nothing helpful on their knowledge base. Any ideas would be appreciated!

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    • #3737949

      Spool32 error

      by allen610 ·

      In reply to Spool32 error

      I have NAV also and NAV had recommended to me to exclude spool32.exe in the windows\system directory from scanning and that’s what fixed mine. I am running nav 5.0.

      • #3737449

        Re: Spool32 Error

        by mwmitch ·

        In reply to Spool32 error

        You did not say whether or not the printer is a networked printer (or I overlooked it if you did), but, along with the NAV problem, you may check how the job is being sent. I know it slows down the process, but setting to print directly to the printer rather than spooling has helped me on occasion.(if network is small enough, or you have enough printers to accomodate this) I have approximately 100 users and about 12 printers for them to share. That is a good ratio to allow some of the users to print directly rather than spooling. Just a thought…

        • #3791736

          Printer is local

          by darena ·

          In reply to Re: Spool32 Error

          I forgot to mention – the PC is standalone and the printer is local.

        • #3728817

          Direct to printer question

          by kmadden ·

          In reply to Printer is local

          I have tried setting my network printers to print direct to the printer with mixed results. Does Win98 still access the spool32.exe even if the printer driver is set to print direct? Are temp files created by spool32.exe when a file is printed? Evenif it is set to print direct?

    • #3676836

      spool32 error and nortons antivirus

      by tc ·

      In reply to Spool32 error

      here is a link to 4 known solutions on symantecs website, the 2nd link is to Microsoft knowledge base for known problem in win95 OS with spoolss.dll patch for users running older operating systems with NT or Novell based network.

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