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  • #2075154

    ssh and priviledged ports


    by ratherbfishing ·

    Running ssh 1.2.30 on Caldera 2.3 LINUX. After I couldn’t connect ssh through a new firewall, I discoverd it was attempting outbound connections at lower than ports 1024. SO far I have seen 1023 and 1022.

    I have also been told by people that ssh does not use priviledged ports. Well it is on my system!

    Can someone tell me if this is normal behavior? Is there a way to force it to use 1024 and up? and would I want to? I need the info so I can configure the firewall.


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    • #3788555

      ssh and priviledged ports

      by mckaytech ·

      In reply to ssh and priviledged ports

      By default, the implementation of sshd that I use looks for incoming connections on tcp port 22.

      Just to keep folks guessing, you might want to choose some other port for this, but I don’t see any reason to mess with the high port range.


      • #3789809

        ssh and priviledged ports

        by ratherbfishing ·

        In reply to ssh and priviledged ports

        Yes, ssh listens on port 22, but then negotiates a port to use with the client, supposedly 1024 or higher. However, for some reason it always wants to use 1023 or lower port on my system. I have seen in news lists a few other folks with this problem, but no clear answers so far.
        Thanks for trying!

    • #3789864

      ssh and priviledged ports

      by nobrega ·

      In reply to ssh and priviledged ports

      Running ssh with the -p option will force it to run on non-privledged ports.

      • #3789810

        ssh and priviledged ports

        by ratherbfishing ·

        In reply to ssh and priviledged ports

        You are talkng about the port that the server listens on…the default is 22 which is fine. i am talking about the port that is negotiated to use after the initial connection is made. See answer to paul.
        Thanks anyway!

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