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  • #3982528

    Static Route or VLAN

    by mstieb ·


    Hi Everyone, longtime lurker, first time poster!
    I have a situation where I’ve forgotten my Networking Classes knowledge some 20 years back.
    I have my main router at
    I have four sub routers at: Subnet Subnet
    192.168.013 Subnet Subnet
    I have a programmer writing monitoring software for devices in each subnet. What is the best way to allow him to have access to those subnets? Static Routes, VLANS, something else?

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    • #3982529
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      Depends on the routers.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Static Route or VLAN

      For consumer grade routers, the traffic is not always seen on each router as the switch sends it on its way without us seeing the packet.

      Best fix? Install a small app to log and report on those devices to a central database. Remember I can’t guess what you mean by monitoring.

      • #3982531


        by mstieb ·

        In reply to Depends on the routers.

        I humbly thank you for your reply!
        The devices are miners, polling temps, fan speeds, assorted other goodies.
        Routers are business Grade Zyxel Routers.
        Main ATP800
        Subs USG Flex 200’s

        • #3982533
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          That helps a little.

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Thanks!

          Maybe a route added so the data collector PC monitor or such can ping/telnet/???? what’s on those subnets.

          Or some Rasberry PI running a script to query, build a report and send it up to a central app or database.

          I don’t interact with many that have mining operations but over a decade ago the miners had status reporting built in that you would configure to send the status home on a schedule. Such would be highly specific to the miner.

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